How to Read a Home Inspection Report in Alabama

A home inspection report is simply a written record sent to you by a home inspector following their assessment. It encompasses: A summary to highlight the most important issues, focus on descriptions of the problems and the possible influence, and pictures to showcase problems that require immediate attention It’s not always pleasant in Alabama. The…

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What Do Home Inspectors Look for When Selling a House?

Are you planning to sell your house, but it is in its “as-is” condition? You have also adjusted your listing price accordingly, but you’re worried about what will happen if the buyer decides to get a home inspection before finalizing the deal? It’s better not to get caught off guard by waiting till the last…

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Residential Mold Testing: What Every Homeowner Should Know in Alabama

Attention, Alabama homeowners.  Before taking another breath in your home, make sure you know what’s lurking in the shadows.  The shadowy (discolored) walls are not because you chose a bad paint company, nor is that musty smell due to the wet towel you left on your bed.  It’s MOLD (there’s a high probability).  This silent…

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What is draw inspection, and Why Inspectors Offer It

draw inspection

Draw inspection is an important part of the real estate and construction industry. It plays an important role in ensuring the successful completion of projects. It is safe to call these inspections crucial checkpoints that inspectors conduct to evaluate the construction’s progress. The “why” behind these inspections is linked to the risk mitigation for lenders.…

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The Value of Home Inspections for Buyers and Sellers

Are you in the process of buying or selling a home? One crucial step that should not be overlooked is a thorough home inspection. A home inspection is a professional examination of a property’s condition conducted by a qualified inspector. Whether you are a buyer looking for peace of mind or a seller aiming to…

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What Home Inspectors Can Help You Determine About Your Home

Buying a home is an exciting milestone in anyone’s life. However, it can also be a significant financial investment that comes with its fair share of risks. That’s why home inspections are crucial before finalizing any purchase. Home inspectors play a vital role in assessing the condition of a property and identifying potential issues that…

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