9 Home Inspection Tips You Can Take To The Bank

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_image _builder_version=”3.4.1″ src=”https://timberlineinspections.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Home-inspection-tips-for-sellers.png” align=”center” /][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.4.1″] Planning to sell your pre-loved home? Like most sellers, you wonder at some point or another if your home is going to pass inspection.   Though a home inspection is not necessarily required, most (if not all) homebuyers request one to protect their investment. I bet you’d…

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Appliance Cleaning Guide

When it comes to cleaning our houses, most of us will concentrate on dusting shelves, vacuuming the carpets and disinfecting the sinks, but we often forget about the appliances we use every day. Making sure appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators and stove tops stay clean does more than keep your home looking its best.…

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Top 10 Tools for New Home Owners

I meet with a lot of home buyers (obviously for my profession), and a large majority do not have even a basic set of tools. However, new home owners especially first time buyers tend to have one common problem; they just bought a house and have no money. I could have drawn up a list…

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Do New Homes Need an Inspection?

One question I get asked regularly is, do I need a home inspection with a new construction home? At first glance the answer would seem like a ‘no.’ You’re likely thinking you had code inspectors come out and you have a reputable contractor. In reality your assumption could not be further from the truth. A…

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Tips to Your First Home

Alright so you’ve just purchased your first home… the excitement is overwhelming and you are still in shock at the simplicities that come with it. You no longer have to ask a landlords permission to paint or make cosmetic changes, the money spent on them is now going back in your pocket, and every time…

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Fixing The Whirlpool Oven Lock

I’m writing this article because Whirlpool thoroughly ticked me off with my oven/microwave combo! Since owning this oven I used the self clean for the first and last time and will never purchase one of these again. Now for those of you reading this to find the fix for this ridiculous issue keep reading it’s…

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Making Use Of Scrap Materials

Introduction A lot of things accumulate around your home including keys and chargers in your junk drawer, or even Cheerios in every nook and cranny imaginable if you have children. Some of this junk can be useful, most importantly the spare hardware that could be hiding in every room or leaning up against the shed…

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8 Tips to Prepare Your Home For A Storm

In Alabama we get a significant amount of storms, everything ranging from small rainstorms, tornadoes, blizzards and even hurricanes and tropical storms. It comes as no surprise that we have to be prepared to weather a storm. 1. Trim and Clear. I see this on just about every list online, trim and clear trees back…

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Ventless Fireplaces: Are You Safe?

What is it? Ventless gas fireplaces are self explanatory but for our yankee friends up North, who have no idea what Im talking about let me explain. In the South ventless fireplaces are far more common, this is because our winters are so much more mild in comparison that our fireplaces tend to be mostly…

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