Gutters & Roofs

Introduction  A homes gutter system consists of the gutters, downspouts and splash blocks or extension pipes Its purpose is to channel rainwater or melted snow and ice to an area away from the home and its foundation.  This article focuses on problems that can occur from neglected maintenance of a gutter system. Trouble at the top  Most commonly gutters are…

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Annual Maintenance Plans: Why You Need It!

Annual maintenance inspections are probably one of our most valuable products and one of the hardest sells. As a general rule people don’t like to spend money maintaining their largest asset, they want to upgrade the kitchen. Now any appraiser will tell you that the most valuable thing you can do to your home, is…

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Introduction To Residential Real Estate

Since the beginning of time, real estate has been a driving factor in the stability, growth or decline in all societies. The first hunters wanted to find land with healthy ecosystems, plenty of wildlife and water. As time progressed, land was sought out for pastures and farming. Quiet sleepy towns became vibrant with the establishment…

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Dont Gut Your Home Yet!

This one comes up all the time… someone has a little construction experience, maybe they started studying to be a home inspector or general contractor and think they know enough to save a lot of money on the remodel. Heard this story before? It’s the same guy that got hit with a $2000 towing and…

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