What Home Inspectors Can Help You Determine About Your Home

Buying a home is an exciting milestone in anyone’s life. However, it can also be a significant financial investment that comes with its fair share of risks. That’s why home inspections are crucial before finalizing any purchase. Home inspectors play a vital role in assessing the condition of a property and identifying potential issues that…

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Are Mold Tests Part of a Typical Home Inspection?

When it comes to buying or selling a home, a thorough inspection is crucial to ensure the property is in good condition and free from any potential issues. One common concern that homeowners have is mold. Mold can be detrimental to both the structure of a home and the health of its occupants. Many people…

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What’s the Goal of a Commercial Building Inspection?


Did you know that commercial property inspections may save your business millions? Before acquiring a property, it is important to get a commercial building inspection. An inspection will ensure the property is in good shape and that there are no critical defects.  Continue reading to learn more about commercial building inspection.  What is a Commercial…

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Commercial Building Inspections: What Inspectors Look For

If you own or manage a commercial property, it’s important to ensure that your building is in good condition and safe for occupants. A commercial building inspection can help you identify any potential issues and prevent costly repairs down the line. In this blog post, we’ll explore what inspectors look for during a commercial building…

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How-to Guide: Understanding Your Home Inspection Report

Did you know that roughly 40 million Americans move each year? If you’re planning to sell your home or buy a new one, there’s a good chance you’ll need home inspection services. A home inspection report can shed light on your property’s condition. But how do you read it? Check out this guide to find…

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How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?

Buying a house should be a marathon, not a sprint. Once your offer has been accepted, it’s tempting to pop the champagne and begin planning your housewarming party immediately. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that buying a house is a long process for a reason, and while a home inspection may feel like a…

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10 Things Your Building Inspector Wants You to Know

Did you know there were over 6 million home and building inspections in 2021? There are almost 10,000 inspectors in the U.S. today, and you should prepare if one is coming to your home or building. Understanding your building inspector and what they want will make the process complete with ease. Keep reading, and we…

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Do I Need to Be There for My Home Inspection?

A recent surge in home inspections shows that buyers are regaining purchasing power. If you’re selling, you may wonder whether you have to be there for the home inspection.  The answer is slightly more complicated than yes or no. Find out what to expect with a home inspection, whether you need to be there, and…

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